Top 10 CV skills for 2024 job seekers

Your CV is one of the most essential parts of the job-seeking process.
Your CV is one of the most essential parts of the job-seeking process.

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Brushing up on your CV? Or creating your first one?

In 2024, employers are looking for certain skills to help candidates stand out against the competition. Depending on the roles you’re applying for, employers may value skills in digital literacy, like learning new tools quickly. Or, they may wish to find candidates who can demonstrate empathy, integrity, and inclusivity.

This article looks at what skills you can put on your CV.  These are the skills recruiters are looking for in potential applicants, so there’s a great opportunity to add them to your resume.

What are CV skills?

CV skills are your specific qualities as a job seeker that highlight your suitability for a job role. These skills help potential employers assess whether any given applicant has sufficient experience for the role on offer. 

Typically, CV skills can be split into two categories: soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are your inherent qualities that can’t be learned. Hard skills are the qualities you’ve learned through education or work experience.

Here are seven common soft skills:

  • Communication
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Conflict resolution
  • Critical thinking
  • Leadership skills

Here are seven common hard skills:

  • Data analysis
  • Copywriting
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Graphic design
  • Project management
  • Risk analysis
  • Language skills

Soft skills have more to do with your nature, while hard skills require more technical expertise to perform a role well. When you’re looking to start a new job, think about the skills you already possess.

Ronan Fox, an E-learning teaching enhancement officer at Rehab Group, found digital literacy and communication skills to be fundamental to his role. Here’s what he had to say:

“Key skills as an E-Learning Teaching Enhancement Officer include strong technological proficiency, effective communication, adaptability to change, and a passion for continuous learning.”

The evolution of CV skills in the digital era

In response to the rapid development of digital technologies, job seekers are expected to update and expand their skill sets continuously. Digital skills to put on a CV, like cloud computing or data analysis, are fundamental in 2024.

For example, traditional marketing skills would focus on print, radio, and TV. However, modern marketing employees would be expected to know digital marketing strategies. This may include SEO, social media marketing, and proficiency in tools like Facebook Ads and Google Analytics.

The digital era has ushered in a wide range of tools affecting almost every industry to help boost productivity. Job seekers who demonstrate competency in digital skills will likely stand out against other applicants.

Top 10 CV skills for 2024 job seekers

Ireland’s job seekers are some of the best and most skilled in the world. This is thanks to a world-leading education system mixed with internships and graduate programs at prominent global companies.

Creating your CV is an essential first step to finding a job, so if you have any of the following transferable skills, it’s worth shining a light on them:

Project management: 

Excellent project management is about more than simply being organised. It’s a suite of competencies, including leading teams, managing budgets, and delivering results on time and within scope. Demonstrating a track record of successful project delivery on your CV can significantly boost your attractiveness to potential employers.


In any role, the ability to communicate appropriately is needed. This skill is about articulating ideas, actively listening to others, and presenting information persuasively in both digital and face-to-face interactions. Strong communication skills are necessary for any professional environment where you talk to clients, stakeholders, management, or other team members.

Cybersecurity awareness: 

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, all professionals, not just those in IT, need to understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity. Highlighting this knowledge can make a candidate more appealing, especially in industries where data security is paramount, like those working with sensitive data.

Data analysis: 

The ability to gather, analyse, and interpret data is increasingly important in making informed business decisions. Proficiency in tools like Excel, SQL, or specialised software like Tableau or SAS can demonstrate this skill.

Creativity and innovation: 

Employers value candidates who can contribute fresh ideas and innovative solutions to challenges. Creativity isn’t just for artists — it’s needed to solve problems and improve processes in any field. Highlighting examples where creative thinking led to positive changes can make your CV stand out.

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: 

Employers want applicants with the ability to analyse issues and come up with logical solutions objectively. Critical thinking helps in assessing problems and creating solutions. Demonstrating how you’ve applied these skills to overcome complex challenges can strengthen your CV.


Leadership skills are invaluable across all levels of an organisation, not just those in management roles. They involve motivating teams, navigating office politics, and making strategic decisions. Even if you’re not in a management role, showing potential leadership traits or instances where you led a project or guided a team can appeal to prospective employers.

Technical proficiency: 

Knowing how to use industry-specific software and tools is essential for many jobs. Whether it’s advanced programming languages for tech professionals, digital design tools for creatives, or analytical platforms for marketers, showing that you are proficient and up-to-date with the latest technologies in your field can set you apart from other candidates.

Time management: 

Time management involves prioritising tasks to fulfil job responsibilities and meet deadlines. Demonstrating that you can manage workloads, balance multiple projects, and still deliver quality outcomes is a strong attribute in any potential employee.


In our globalised economy, the ability to speak multiple languages is a significant asset. It facilitates communication in diverse teams and opens up opportunities for roles in global markets. Listing languages and your fluency level can make your CV more attractive to companies with international operations.

Making space on your CV to talk about your specific skills is key to getting through to the interview. Potential employers are looking for people who can join the company and be a real asset to them. The more relevant skills you can show off, the better your chance of getting a call.

These are also the skills you could consider learning. Upskilling helps candidates to stand out and secure a new job.

Digital literacy: Navigating today’s tech-driven workplace

In 2024, digital literacy is more than basic computer skills. We’re not talking about rudimentary knowledge of Microsoft Word or Excel or being able to access email. Businesses are more reliant on digital technologies than ever before, and this trend will only increase in the future. 

Digital literacy is about keeping up with modern technologies, including industry specific software and hardware. For example, anyone working in operations may be expected to have experience with customer relationship management (CRM) tools or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

To demonstrate digital literacy on a CV, here’s what you need to do:

  • List specific technologies and platforms: Clearly explain the software, tools, and platforms you are proficient in, along with any certifications or courses completed.
  • Highlight achievements: Describe instances where your digital skills have led to significant accomplishments or improvements, such as streamlining processes, improving data security, or increasing digital engagement.
  • Showcase continuous learning: Demonstrating ongoing engagement with learning new digital skills—through courses, workshops, or certifications—can significantly strengthen a CV.

Consider the role you’re applying for and adjust your CV to showcase the skills most relevant to the job specification. It’s always a good idea to tailor your CV for each job you apply for to ensure the skills that matter most are front and centre.

Emotional Intelligence: The key to workplace harmony

Emotional intelligence (EI) is needed to maintain workplace harmony and build strong professional relationships. It’s the ability to recognise and manage one’s emotions and those of those around them. This includes anyone who works for you at the same level as you, as well as those in management positions.

You can show emotional intelligence in your personal skills section on a CV. Describe examples where you needed to use emotional intelligence, such as during conflict resolution or managing multiple projects simultaneously. 

Enhancing your CV skills with guidance from Recruit Ireland

Your CV is one of the most essential parts of the job-seeking process, so it’s important not to overlook this. Recruit Ireland lists many of the jobs available across Ireland, and the job specs can help you to tailor your CV to each job.

Head to the Recruit Ireland advice centre for more information about creating the perfect CV. You can also access many interviews from successful professionals across industries. The insights they share can help you to make the best CV possible and secure your next role.


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