Intellectual Property Office of Ireland

Intellectual Property Office of Ireland

Government Offices, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, R95 H4XC



The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland is the national intellectual property agency, under the auspice of Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment that is responsible for the administration of Intellectual Property (IP) rights in Ireland.

Our statutory functions are concerned with the granting of Patents and the registration of Trade Marks and Designs and the administration and maintenance of these industrial property rights (read more about this in About Intellectual Property).

Our Mission

The central mission of the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland is: "To provide an efficient and effective system of industrial property protection that will encourage technological progress and promote enterprise through the implementation by the Office of the relevant legislation". This is to be achieved through the protection of industrial property rights in the fields of patents, trade marks and designs, and the dissemination of relevant information in conjunction with each of these activities.

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