Repak is an environmental not-for-profit organisation, with a social mission.
Our purpose, on behalf of our Members, is:
to lead the recycling and sustainability of Ireland’s packaging; advocate for a new circular economy; and educate businesses and consumers on reducing and recycling packaging.
Repak was set up in 1997 to help Member businesses meet their legal obligation to recycle the packaging they place on the Irish market. We have over 3,400 Members, whose fees fund household recycling bins, bottle banks, civic amenity sites and business back-door waste nationwide.
At Repak, we are passionate about protecting the environment and reducing the environmental impact of packaging waste, while helping to deliver Ireland’s recycling targets for the five main materials*. We run initiatives and campaigns to help our Members improve the sustainability of their packaging and to encourage consumers to reduce, reuse and recycle better.
Our Mission
Working at Repak offers a unique opportunity to be part of an environmental not-for-profit organisation, with a social mission, leading the recycling and sustainability of Ireland’s packaging waste.
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